Case Study: TPA Leverages BPO for Efficiency, Growth, Expertise

Creative Benefits Administration is a fast-growing TPA based in San Antonio, Texas, for which DataPath Summit BPO has proven to be a genuinely transformative partner. In fact, company officials credit CBA’s decision to incorporate Summit BPO services into their daily operations as “one of the best business moves we’ve ever made.” “The availability of DataPath Summit BPO services has been critical to achieving our ambitious growth goals without overwhelming our resources,” says Jeremy Sakulenzki, CBA president. This

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What Is BPO?

Companies use business process outsourcing (BPO) when they hire external vendors to complete tasks requiring additional expertise, personnel, or both. In their Global Outsourcing Survey 2022, Deloitte defines three types of these services: Across the business spectrum, tasks can range from simple (e.g., generating mailings) to complex (e.g., cybersecurity). So what is BPO, and how can it help TPAs? Evolution of BPO Modern outsourcing began in the 1980s with customer support call centers. However, BPO has

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Whitepaper: How TPAs Can Use Specialized Business Process Outsourcing to Prepare for Growth, Improve Efficiency, and Increase Profit

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The last three years have presented many unique challenges for employers and the TPAs that provide their tax-advantaged, post-tax, and compliance account administration. The pandemic has altered routine business patterns, making it harder for TPAs to plan for ebbs and flows in daily operations and prepare for growth. Controlling costs is even more critical. Yet providing high-quality customer service is more important than ever for business health and growth.Fortunately, TPAs can conquer all of these

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Brochure: Operations Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

DataPath Summit BPO services offer you a level of convenience and quality that you won’t find elsewhere. Focus on running your business and becoming more efficient by letting DataPath handle your claims entry, fulfillment, enrollment, and contribution processing needs. DataPath Summit clients can enjoy: Let DataPath Summit help you automate and streamline many of your day-to-day processes with affordable and compliant BPO services.

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Brochure: Top 5 Reasons to Use DataPath Summit Operations BPO

DataPath Summit BPO provides secure solutions and back-office support services exclusively for third-party administrators of employee benefit accounts. Save time and conserve resources by letting DataPath handle your claims entry, fulfillment, enrollment, and contribution processing needs. Do what you do best and outsource the rest! Here are the top 5 reasons why you should choose DataPath Summit BPO: Let DataPath Summit help you automate and streamline many of your day-to-day processes with affordable and compliant

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