Building Benefits Packages that Attract and Retain Baby Boomers

This article delves into effective benefits strategies for Baby Boomers, exploring their preferences and offering recommendations for engagement. Understanding Baby Boomers Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 and have played a significant role in shaping American society and the workforce. As the enrollment season approaches, it’s crucial to understand what motivates this generation, the benefits they value most, and their preferred methods of communication and learning. Baby Boomer Profile Boomers have unique characteristics

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How COBRA Interacts with ICHRA and HRA Plans

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) mandates employers to offer continuing health coverage to employees facing qualifying events such as job loss or reduction in work hours. However, navigating the interaction between COBRA and some reimbursement accounts, such as Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements (ICHRAs) and Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), presents complexities.  What are ICHRA and HRA plans? ICRHAs and HRAs are both exclusively funded by the employer and generally not taxable to the

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Understanding COBRA Eligibility: Who Qualifies and When?

Understanding the intricacies of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) can be challenging for employers and employees alike. It may be especially daunting when trying to understand who qualifies for COBRA coverage and when they qualify.  What is COBRA? COBRA is a federal law enacted in 1985 that requires employers with 20 or more employees to offer continuation coverage. This applies only to employees and their dependents whose coverage would end due to qualifying

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HSA Contribution Limits Announced

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced updated HSA annual contribution limits. An important part of consumer-directed healthcare, HSAs offer participants enrolled in HSA-qualified (HDHP) health plans a way to save on taxes while setting aside money for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for themselves and their families.

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Demystifying Healthcare Costs: Employee Tips to Maximize Benefits and Save Money

healthcare costs

Healthcare costs can be confusing, but with the right knowledge and strategies, just about everyone can navigate this complex landscape effectively. Below are some helpful tips for employees to maximize their benefits and save money in the process.  Understanding Healthcare Costs Before diving into cost-saving tips, it’s essential to understand the various healthcare cost components. Healthcare expenses can include premiums, deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums. Additionally, there may be other costs associated with prescription

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HSAs and Tax Filings

HSAs provide a tax-advantaged financial tool for reducing out-of-pocket healthcare expenses and retirement savings. However, because the funds contributed to your account are pre-tax, you must account for them on your tax returns. If you’re filing HSA tax information for the first time, you may have questions about the 1099-SA form and where you get it. You may also have questions about Form 8889 and Form 5498. Here is the information you’re looking for. HSA

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Infographic: Benefits Administration Software Top Features

benefits administration software features

The following infographic outlines the must-have features of benefits administration software for third party benefits administrators. If your solution doesn’t have all of these, it may be time to upgrade. To streamline your workflow and increase the bottom line, look for these features and capabilities.

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Small Businesses and Viable Employee Benefits

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 99.9% of American businesses are considered small in terms of employment, with fewer than 500 workers on the payroll. While all companies struggle at times with hiring, retaining, and engaging talent, the challenge for small businesses can be greater due to having a comparatively leaner benefits program. However, as more creative benefits enter the marketplace, small businesses may find more viable employee benefit options. Small Businesses Employment Challenges Recent

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Infographic: Negative Impacts of a Multi-Platform Approach

Using a multi-platform approach to CDH and COBRA benefits administration can create a host of problems for third party benefits administrators. The following infographic highlights the negative impacts of a multi-platform approach and examines the benefits of a single solution.

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