Infographic: Benefits Administration Software Top Features

benefits administration software features

The following infographic outlines the must-have features of benefits administration software for third party benefits administrators. If your solution doesn’t have all of these, it may be time to upgrade. To streamline your workflow and increase the bottom line, look for these features and capabilities.

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Infographic: Negative Impacts of a Multi-Platform Approach

Using a multi-platform approach to CDH and COBRA benefits administration can create a host of problems for third party benefits administrators. The following infographic highlights the negative impacts of a multi-platform approach and examines the benefits of a single solution.

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8 Ways to Engage Your Millennial Employees in Health Benefits

Chances are you have Millennial employees on your staff, as they have become the single largest generation in the U.S. labor force. The following infographic provides valuable information on engaging your Millennial employees in health benefits. 8 Ways to Engage Your Millennial Employees in Health Benefits Millennials in the Workplace: To Engage Millennial Employees in Your Company’s Health Benefits: Providing flexible, convenient, and easy to understand benefits will encourage Millennials to engage with your company’s

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Infographic: Open Enrollment Checklist

Facts, Figures & Tips for a Successful Enrollment Process.
The following infographic provides an overview of facts, figures and tips for employers to have a successful open enrollment process.

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Open Enrollment Tips for TPAs

It’s open enrollment time. That means third-party administrators (TPAs) are working with clients to set up plans for the new year. We’ve compiled some tips and reminders for benefits administrators to help them through this stressful season. Tip #1: Know Your Audience Each employer group will be different, so tailor your presentation accordingly. Occupation, geographic location, and generational cohort may affect employees’ wants and needs. For example, Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers may each

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Competitive Benefit Plans Help Retain Top Talent

Recent years have significantly changed the employment landscape. Companies everywhere are battling to recruit and retain talented employees. In an economy where workers may have the upper hand, the first response of employers is often to raise salaries and wages. However, research shows that a competitive benefits plan is increasingly vital in attracting and retaining skilled workers. What is a competitive benefits plan? According to a survey by the Adzuna job search site, the five most in-demand

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Healthcare Consumerism Continues to Rise

Healthcare consumerism is a movement to make healthcare services more efficient and cost-effective. It transforms an employer’s health benefit plan, putting the economic purchasing power and decision-making in participants’ hands. Consumerism aims to enable patients to become wholly involved in their healthcare decisions. What drives healthcare consumerism? Customers can access features, benefits, and cost comparisons in most industries to guide their purchasing decisions. In contrast, the healthcare industry presents many choices, contact points, and service

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Financial Benefits Continue to Gain in Importance

In Morgan Stanley’s second annual State of the Workplace Financial Benefits Study, 71% of employees said financial stress negatively affected their personal lives and work. More than four out of five (84%) believe employers should provide more tools to help them navigate economic challenges. Traditional Financial Benefits Employers have long offered financial tools like profit-sharing plans and 401Ks. Both offer some tax savings and enable a path toward a more comfortable retirement. However, they come with

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Whitepaper: How to Maximize Account Adoption During Enrollment Season

During enrollment season, benefits administrators and employers look to build and deliver a benefits package that helps companies keep and attract top talent. While employees generally report they are happy with their employer’s benefits, statistics show that account adoption is often lacking. With a better understanding of their employer groups and proven educational approaches, TPAs can experience a more successful and fulfilling open enrollment period. Background Open enrollment can be a stressful time for benefits

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Brochure: Summit CDH and COBRA Administration

DataPath Summit is the first cloud-based solution purposely designed as a single, all-encompassing platform for administering CDH accounts, COBRA, billing, and well-being benefits. Whether your business plans involve administering just one line of service or all of them, Summit can help you get where you want to grow. With a seamless design, Summit’s flexibility allows TPAs to take advantage of the full suite of solutions, or to choose only those services specific to their business.

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