Help Participants Use Benefits with These 5 Tools

During open enrollment, many participants are enrolling in plans for the first time. “Firsts” are often overwhelming, and once the benefit year begins, participants may need help knowing how or where to begin. As employees expect more and employers become increasingly cost-conscious, it’s harder to provide a mutually satisfactory benefits package. To make utilization as easy as possible, TPAs and employers can offer resources to help participants understand, access, and utilize their benefits. Five of

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The Value of a Consumer Directed Healthcare Account

View the infographic below to discover the value of consumer-directed healthcare accounts. The graphic features an overview of HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs, along with other helpful information. What is a Consumer Directed Healthcare Account? A consumer-directed healthcare account is a type of medical savings account that: CDH Account Types 1. Health Savings Account (HSA) The participant owns the HSA, which acts like a regular bank account. Money deposited into the account pays for eligible healthcare

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Millennials, HDHPs and HSAs

Popular with Millennials, HDHPs paired with HSAs can help employers improve employee satisfaction with healthcare benefits. Millennials are Embracing HDHPs Millennials are active supporters of consumer-directed healthcare. Now in their late 20s through early 40s, they tend to be healthier than their older workforce peers (Gen X and Baby Boomer generations) and, on average, spend less on healthcare costs. Nearly half of Millennials who are eligible for an HSA through their employer are adopting one.

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