Open Enrollment Tips for TPAs

It’s open enrollment time. That means third-party administrators (TPAs) are working with clients to set up plans for the new year. We’ve compiled some tips and reminders for benefits administrators to help them through this stressful season. Tip #1: Know Your Audience Each employer group will be different, so tailor your presentation accordingly. Occupation, geographic location, and generational cohort may affect employees’ wants and needs. For example, Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers may each

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Whitepaper: How to Maximize Account Adoption During Enrollment Season

During enrollment season, benefits administrators and employers look to build and deliver a benefits package that helps companies keep and attract top talent. While employees generally report they are happy with their employer’s benefits, statistics show that account adoption is often lacking. With a better understanding of their employer groups and proven educational approaches, TPAs can experience a more successful and fulfilling open enrollment period. Background Open enrollment can be a stressful time for benefits

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