The Value of a Consumer Directed Healthcare Account

View the infographic below to discover the value of consumer-directed healthcare accounts. The graphic features an overview of HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs, along with other helpful information. What is a Consumer Directed Healthcare Account? A consumer-directed healthcare account is a type of medical savings account that: CDH Account Types 1. Health Savings Account (HSA) The participant owns the HSA, which acts like a regular bank account. Money deposited into the account pays for eligible healthcare

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Healthcare Consumerism Continues to Rise

Healthcare consumerism is a movement to make healthcare services more efficient and cost-effective. It transforms an employer’s health benefit plan, putting the economic purchasing power and decision-making in participants’ hands. Consumerism aims to enable patients to become wholly involved in their healthcare decisions. What drives healthcare consumerism? Customers can access features, benefits, and cost comparisons in most industries to guide their purchasing decisions. In contrast, the healthcare industry presents many choices, contact points, and service

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Brochure: Transit/Commuter/Parking Account Solutions

Our cloud-based Summit solution enables TPAs to offer Section 132 Transit/Commuter/Parking benefit plans anywhere in the United States. Administrators can offer the convenience of Section 132 plans to their employer clients – helping deliver a more satisfying benefits package to their employees. Plan administration is made easy with Summit’s simple plan setup, debit card with stacked accounts, and convenient mobile app. TPAs can also use Summit’s customizable plan document templates or create and upload their

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