Whitepaper: How TPAs Can Use Partner Marketing Programs to Grow Revenue and Cut Costs

In the employer-sponsored benefits industry, leading providers of account management solutions offer partner marketing programs to help third party administrators (TPAs) operate their businesses, market their services, and educate target audiences about tax-advantaged benefit accounts. However, these programs can vary substantially from vendor to vendor. For the independent TPA, evaluating partner marketing programs often is overlooked, or at least not seriously considered, until after the contract is signed. As part of the customer service experience,

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Brochure: Benefits Debit Cards

For two decades, DataPath has been helping TPAs offer more attractive benefits plans with account-linked debit cards. Our all-in-one payment solutions help cut down on benefits fraud while empowering TPAs to stay competitive and reduce claims processing. Plus, you can increase plan enrollment, promote higher client satisfaction, and give participants instant access to their benefit dollars. Get where you want to grow with account-linked benefits debit cards.

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Brochure: Medicare Solutions Debit Card

Many employers are looking for options to help older (65+) employees and retirees save on their healthcare costs. Medicare is often the best option for this age group, but federal regulations prohibit employers from making direct premium payments for Medicare or Medicare-related coverages. Fortunately, employers have options that do meet federal guidelines:

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Brochure: Card Processing Services

Are you using a proprietary benefits administration platform with an external source for debit card processing? If you’re looking for a more robust card processing system or are simply unhappy with the service received from your current vendor, DataPath Summit card processing services can help you get where you want to grow. For more than a decade, DataPath has been an end-to-end card processor for benefits debit cards linked to tax-advantaged benefits accounts, Medicare set-aside

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Infographic: What You Need to Know About COBRA Insurance

DataPath offers more than just COBRA software. For the more visually-minded, this vibrant and informative COBRA infographic answers many COBRA FAQs and is perfect to share with clients and fellow COBRA administrators. Your participants can learn all they need to know about COBRA insurance in this overview.

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